BI's full-time Master of Science program aims to train students to have a solid theoretical foundation and be more flexible in application. The high-standard and multi-dimensional screening ensures that every student we recruit has both strength and motivation, and a strong learning atmosphere.
Our students come from 52 countries and this international student body is something we are very proud of and is a direct testament to our international influence.
The Master of Business can choose to major in Economics / Finance /Sustainable Development Finance / Strategy / Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management / Marketing / Leadership and Change / Accounting and Business Management
QTEM master's program can choose Master of Applied Economics Program / Master of Business Analytics Program / Master of Business Finance Program / Master of Business Economics Program
Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management
Master in Leadership and Organizational Psychology
Master of Finance
Master in Sustainable Finance
Master of Quantitative Finance
Master of Business Analytics
Master of Applied Economics
Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation
BI-Luiss Master in Marketing (Joint Program)
We have the following good reasons:
Become more specialized in your chosen profession
Competitive advantage creates more job opportunities
More flexible career path planning
Better jobs, higher pay
Build industry network
Become more specialized in your chosen profession
Choosing a master's degree at BI not only allows you to focus on the subjects that interest you, but many of our degrees also allow you to further specialize your skills through elective courses. This provides you with a good academic atmosphere and the freedom of college life.
Competitive advantage creates more job opportunities
Today, more and more jobs require a master's degree, and companies are increasingly aware of the importance of having a good academic background. BI is committed to providing our students with an education in business management and marketing, and the necessary knowledge to manage a business.
BI's master's program uses a lot of case analysis and case deconstruction as an educational tool, so that students can apply it in their future work, making you a strong candidate for a position.
More flexible career path planning
There is a high demand for people who excel in management, economics and marketing. With the insights you gain from studying BI, you can change your career path after your first job or go a step further and become a manager.
All recognised undergraduate degrees are eligible for admission to BI's Masters programmes.
Better jobs, higher pay
A master's degree can help accelerate your career. It will make it easier for you to stand out among a sea of qualified candidates and make it easier to get promoted.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , people with a master's degree earn an average of $10,000 more per year than those with a bachelor's degree.
Build industry network
According to the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, around 60% of jobs are not advertised publicly. To compete for these positions, you need to build your industry network to get advice.
Through a range of industry exposure such as guest lecturers, company presentations and BI's case competitions, students can start building their industry network before graduation.
Why choose BI - Luiss Master in Marketing?
Do you want to prepare yourself for the international job market? This Master of Marketing program will certainly fit the bill. Our joint program is taught in two different locations, providing a unique multicultural experience where you will benefit from the knowledge and perspectives shared by two internationally renowned business schools. The program offers you the opportunity to study marketing from a management perspective, while specializing in analysis and measurement in this field. It will also provide you with the academic knowledge and professional capabilities required for management positions in marketing. Your expertise in marketing and your ability to adapt to different work environments will be highly valued. The skills you learn are exactly what market-oriented companies need, focusing on building and delivering value to customers.
You will graduate with two degrees:
• BI Master of Strategic Marketing Management
• Luiss Master of Marketing
What will you learn?
You will receive cutting-edge, research-based training from two top business schools. The course covers all the main topics in marketing, from statistical methods to how culture influences consumer behavior. You will also gain up-to-date knowledge on digitalization and other emerging trends in the field.
Popular Topics:
• Digital Marketing : Understand the fundamentals and strategies behind digital marketing, as well as practical tools used across a variety of online, mobile and social media channels.
• Consumer Decision Making : Understand what motivates people to choose a particular product or service, and how to predict or influence that behavior.
• Performance Marketing : Study how marketing insights contribute to a company’s value creation by examining a range of models, techniques and metrics used to measure marketing performance in order to set investments and returns.
The nature and curriculum of the BI-Luiss joint program will also guide you to appreciate and benefit from cultural differences in an increasingly international working environment. You will be able to evaluate decisions in terms of conflicts of interest and take into account the influence of different stakeholders on a company. More importantly, you will gain an awareness of business ethics and learn how to improve the long-term sustainability of a company.
Career Development
This course will lay a solid foundation for you to be competent for management positions in market-oriented companies. This is a program that combines leadership education and marketing education with an international perspective. With this degree, you will be able to step into a wider range of fields and industries, and you will also have broader opportunities and prospects.
Available positions:
• Brand Manager
• Market Analyst
• Social Media Manager
• Digital Marketing Director
• Marketing Communications Specialist
• International Marketing Manager
• Media Buyer
Why choose a Master of Business?
You can choose from 7 directions as your major and customize your own business master's program. In addition, you can freely choose courses in other fields as electives. The course is highly comprehensive and you can work in a variety of positions after graduation. In addition to obtaining a master's degree, students will also have the opportunity to be awarded the title of "Siviløkonom" - a professional qualification certificate that is highly recognized in Norway.
What will you learn?
BI商业硕士项目的独特之处在于,学生可以根据自己的兴趣和职业规划来组合课程。 您可以从所有的商业核心领域中选择课程。选择一个领域作为您的主攻方向的同时,更可学习多个不同方向领域的课程。一方面,您将成为一名多面手,适合各种管理相关工作。 另一方面,您也将成为您所选择领域方面的专家,契合您兴趣的同时也实现职业规划。 您还将发展出良好的分析和战略能力,帮助您更好的胜任商业,工业及公共管理领域方面的职位。
• 经济学
• 金融学
• 战略学
• 物流、运营与供应链管理
• 市场营销
• 领导力与变革 (自2019年秋季开始,主修领导力与变革-商务硕士的学生可选择在BI卑尔根校区就读。)
• 会计和业务管理
作为商务硕士的毕业生,商业世界将向您敞开大门。您扎实的商业知识和广泛的技能,在现今国际化的环境中可担任领导者。您已拥有坚实的经济和管理方面的知识基础,也将受益于您所选择的主修专业,成为这个领域的专家。这些知识与能力带给您更多职业机会, 在挪威乃至全球获得更广阔的发展空间。
• 总监, 可口可乐
• 客户经理, 北欧联合银行
• 咨询顾问, 安永
• 行业经理, Google Norway
• 人力资源专员, 摩根大通
• 顾问分析师, P.A. Consulting Group
• 投资顾问, Ferd Kapital
• 全球客户经理, Universum
• 品牌管理: 了解如何在战略上定位和发展一个品牌。您能创造下一个苹果或可口可乐吗?
• 了解消费者: 了解消费者行为和人们的购买动机。
• 战略管理: 学习战略性地分析市场和形势,并了解作为一名高管该如何思考。
• 整合营销传播主管, 梅赛德斯-奔驰
• 采购贸易经理, 亿滋国际
• 品牌经理, Stabburet
• 营销专员, Silicon Laboratories
• 市场分析师, Verdens Gang AS (VG)
• 项目经理, 微软 挪威
• 小组和团队: 如何创建获胜的团队?学习心理过程如何影响团队表现
• 战略管理: 检测管理者在决定组织的范围、方向和竞争定位时所采用的框架和概念
• 组织中的说服与权力: 为什么有些试图带来影响的尝试成功了,而有些却失败了?
• 斯堪的纳维亚招聘协调员, 特斯拉汽车公司
• 北欧人力资源经理, 德州仪器(TI)
• 顾问/分析师, PA Consulting Group
• 人才奖酬管理经理, Telia Norge
• 人力资源专员, Opera Software
• 传播经理, Thales Norway
其他职位包括公司顾问, 客户关系经理, 业务分析师, 变革经理 和 管理培训生 .
• 学会理解金融在为企业和整个社会创造价值方面的关键作用以及局限性。
• 学习解决可持续发展问题的核心经济理论,它们的市场与非市场解决方案,它们的宏观经济面向和企业层面。
• 学生将能够将社会和环境相关的风险和机会,投资者的偏好和长期的可持续发展限制纳入实际投资决策,估值和投资组合管理。
• 获得分析技能,职业素养,以及投资、财务管理和风险管理方面的基本工具和方法。
• 学会分析和解决机构和激励问题,以实现可持续发展的社会责任经营、投资和融资。
• 深入理解信义责任和利益冲突,以及平衡投资者、员工、其他利益相关者和社会的利益所产生的伦理问题。
• 金融业
• 银行与保险业
• 咨询
• 航运业
• 金融和可持续发展以及循环经济被认为是重要和相关的大型公司
• 投资组合管理、资产管理和风险评估分析师
• 绩效衡量/监测和报告
• 金融量化方法: 越来越多的金融职位要求编程技能, 学生将学习MatLab编程,以满足职位需求。
• 应用评估: 您将学习一系列评估技术,以及何时使用何种技术进行评估。彭博(Bloomberg)终端的使用更将会加强您的职业技能。
• 投资: 作为投资组合经理将会接触不同金融资产,交易市场,风险回报特征以及定价方式。
• 首席经济学家, Sparebank 1 Markets
• 副总裁, 瑞信银行
• 顾问, First House
• 业务总监, Kongsberg Maritime AS
• 量化风险管理: 学习金融风险建模和管理的基本问题。
• 计算方法: 深入了解定价和对冲标准及复杂金融工具的计算方法。
• 衍生品: 全面了解衍生证券的运作和定价。
+1 模式
The survival and growth of any business depends on the decisions they make at every step. Business analytics plays a vital role in helping businesses make the right decisions. In the world of big data, analytics has become a strategic need in almost all business fields, from marketing to accounting, from sales to logistics, from human resources to operations. There is no industry or market that is not affected by big data, so the demand for business analytics is universal.
What will you learn?
In order to make the best decisions, business people must not only be proficient in business but also master analytical skills. The Master of Business Analytics will develop your analytical skills. Training excellent insights and achieving greater business value is the purpose of learning analytics. You will learn to conduct descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analysis to make the best business decisions. This course works with international industry partners and uses team projects to improve students' analytical, communication and collaboration skills.
Popular Topics:
• Decision Theory : Learn about decision bias, risk, uncertainty, and game theory.
• Data Management : Identify and import data, learn basic programming.
• Applied Econometrics for Big Data : Learn about forecasting, predictive models, causal inference, and machine learning.
Career Development
With a Master's degree in Business Analytics, you will be able to enter a wider range of fields and industries, and will have broader opportunities and prospects.
• Portfolio Analyst
• Event Analyst
• Financial Analyst
• Marketing Operations Analyst
• Human Resources Analyst
• Product Analyst
• Web Analyst
Why choose a Master of Applied Economics?
The Master of Applied Economics provides you with the tools to apply economics in real-life situations. With a focus on industrial organization and macroeconomics, the course prepares you for a future career as a macro analyst or economic consultant.
This program has a quantitative focus, using data science techniques to simulate economic models and conduct data analysis. You will use theoretical and empirical results to solve economic problems, analyze markets and develop optimal business solutions.
The Master of Applied Economics is suitable for students with an undergraduate degree in business, economics and finance, or in political science and other social sciences with an emphasis on measurement, or in the natural sciences including mathematics and statistics.
What will you learn?
The Master of Applied Economics integrates data science techniques into the curriculum to simulate economic models and conduct data analysis. You will develop your strong analytical skills and learn to build analytical frameworks that can be applied to a variety of areas, from international trade, business cycles and financial markets to corporate competition, market analysis and strategic behavior.
You will learn basic programming and data management, the main econometric estimation methods, including the use of time series and panel data. You will also apply these methods in case studies. The course emphasizes analytical and quantitative skills, and you will be able to understand and develop statistically based strategies to improve decision-making in this digital age.
Popular Topics:
• Industrial Organization : Learn how to apply econometric techniques to improve corporate decision making. Through real-world examples, understand the application of industrial organization principles in economic consulting.
• Macroeconomics : Learn the models and empirical techniques used by leading macro analysts to analyze macroeconomic events by simulating numerical models. Typical topics are about investment, sustainable development, inflation, and how monetary and fiscal policies affect the economy and business.
• Data and Programming : Learn basic programming for data management, data analysis, and model simulation.
You'll have the opportunity to learn directly from leading economists in areas such as econometrics, statistics, industrial organisation and macroeconomics, and start building industry networks before you graduate.
Career Development
As the basic concepts of economics can be applied to many different fields, with a Master of Applied Economics degree you will have the freedom to choose a variety of industries and positions, whether in the private or public sector, locally or overseas.
For example:
• Economic Consulting/Management Consulting
• Chief Economist
• Macro/Micro Analyst
• Strategic Consultant
• Data Analyst
Do you dream of starting your own company? Or do you want to join a start-up and help it grow and succeed? Or are you more interested in leading innovation in an established company?
Why choose the Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation?
This course is designed to equip you with the skills and entrepreneurial mindset you need to start and develop your own business, help smaller companies grow and scale faster, and help established companies restructure their existing businesses and innovate.
What will you learn?
You will learn how to discover new opportunities, evaluate them in terms of the environment, the market and the customers, and implement new solutions or develop new business areas. An important part of the course is learning how to deal with uncertainty and risk, how to quickly identify opportunities, test solutions and adapt them to customer needs. Execution and collaboration are also the focus of learning.
The QTEM (Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management) Master Network is an international network that brings together outstanding students, top universities and international companies.
You can choose from the following items:
• Master of Applied Economics
• Master of Finance
• Master of Business Analytics
• Master of Commerce – Major in Finance
• Master of Commerce – Major in Economics
Why choose the QTEM Master's program?
QTEM brings together 23 top business schools around the world, which work with top companies around the world to cultivate students with strong quantitative and analytical skills, internationalization, cross-cultural experience and management potential. If you are looking for a master's degree with a global background and focus on the quantitative and analytical skills that are most needed by companies today, then the QTEM master's program is your best choice.
Not only will you study core BI courses, you will also develop relevant capabilities and skills by studying finance and risk management, applied economics, public policy, business intelligence, big data, innovation and strategy at QTEM’s partner business schools.
At BI, students in the QTEM master's program automatically become members of the Master Merit Society.
What will you learn?
Three famous universities create different learning experiences for you, learning how to make the best decisions in an era of rapidly changing information. Through the QTEM master's program, you will learn new quantitative skills and have the complex analytical capabilities required to start an international career, whether in international finance, economics, big data or management. Through studying in three places, you will adapt to different environments and develop a global perspective and cross-cultural capabilities. Internship experience also provides you with first-hand information and opens your thinking that keeps pace with the times.
Career Development
• Financial Analyst : Whether you want to work on the “buy” side of investments or the “sell” side of products, the QTEM program will prepare you for a career in finance.
• Equity Analyst : Help your company make the best investment decisions by building a portfolio based on its values and goals.
• Business Intelligence Analyst : Help your company gain a competitive advantage. Leverage big data to build the resources your company needs to make timely and valuable decisions.
The QTEM (Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management) Master Network is an international network that brings together outstanding students, top universities and international companies.
You can choose from the following items:
• Master of Applied Economics
• Master of Finance
• Master of Business Analytics
• Master of Commerce – Major in Finance
• Master of Commerce – Major in Economics
Why choose the QTEM Master's program?
QTEM brings together 23 top business schools around the world, which work with top companies around the world to cultivate students with strong quantitative and analytical skills, internationalization, cross-cultural experience and management potential. If you are looking for a master's degree with a global background and focus on the quantitative and analytical skills that are most needed by companies today, then the QTEM master's program is your best choice.
Not only will you study core BI courses, you will also develop relevant capabilities and skills by studying finance and risk management, applied economics, public policy, business intelligence, big data, innovation and strategy at QTEM’s partner business schools.
At BI, students in the QTEM master's program automatically become members of the Master Merit Society.
What will you learn?
Three famous universities create different learning experiences for you, learning how to make the best decisions in an era of rapidly changing information. Through the QTEM master's program, you will learn new quantitative skills and have the complex analytical capabilities required to start an international career, whether in international finance, economics, big data or management. Through studying in three places, you will adapt to different environments and develop a global perspective and cross-cultural capabilities. Internship experience also provides you with first-hand information and opens your thinking that keeps pace with the times.
Career Development
• Financial Analyst : Whether you want to work on the “buy” side of investments or the “sell” side of products, the QTEM program will prepare you for a career in finance.
• Equity Analyst : Help your company make the best investment decisions by building a portfolio based on its values and goals.
• Business Intelligence Analyst : Help your company gain a competitive advantage. Leverage big data to build the resources your company needs to make timely and valuable decisions.
Graduate students of Business Administration can also apply to participate in the following projects for further development:
Students can choose a dual degree program and obtain a master's degree from BI and another partner institution at the same time.
Students can apply for exchange studies at famous universities around the world
90% 的国际毕业生会向他人推荐BI
来自52个不同国家的学生 - 造就了BI国际化的硕士课程